7 Ways to Make Brushing Fun for Kids

Think you’re busy? Try being a kid for a while. They are always learning new methods to take care of themselves and others in addition to school, activities, and family time.

Every youngster has to learn how to wash their teeth as one of those important life lessons. Although teaching your child to brush twice daily for two minutes is no easy task, the long-term dental health of your child can benefit greatly from a little imagination.

Need to review the fundamentals of brushing your child’s teeth? Learn how to properly clean your child’s teeth by watching the video above. Then, get going! This is how:

Have Fun For 4 Minutes

Make brushing your teeth for two minutes twice a day an occasion rather than just setting a timer and watching! Play your child’s preferred music loudly and engage in a two-minute dancing party. Videos or brushing applications might potentially speed up the process. (These could appeal to younger brushers.) A 2-minute narrative should be read using all of your greatest voices. Whatever you do, be innovative and vary your routine to ensure that brushing time is always enjoyable.

Establish A Routine And Follow It

After a long day or when your regular schedule is disrupted (like on vacation), you might be tempted to let your child to forgo brushing, but resist the urge. Ensuring your youngster brushes twice daily for two minutes will be simpler as brushing gets more automatic.

Reward Effective Brushing Behavior

What inspires your kids? Make a reward chart if it’s stickers and let him to add a sticker for each time he brushes. Let him choose the bedtime tale if he reads. Perhaps all it takes is a big high five after stating, “I’m so proud of you,” and requesting to see that radiant smile.

Characters Count

Who is the character that your youngster adores? Sesame Street is only one of the many children’s television programs and books that include brushing tales. Watch and read them together so that you may use that character as an example when it’s time to brush.

Create a Story

You can’t seem to find a book or character that will motivate your kid. Create your own. The only superhero who can brush off the evil guys who cause cavities may be your child.

Go Shopping

Give your youngster the freedom to choose his own toothpaste and toothbrush. (Those with the ADA Seal of Acceptance are suggested.) Choosing a colorful toothbrush and using toothpaste that comes in a range of tastes and colors may make brushing more enjoyable.

Make Brushing a Family Affair

Set a good example for your children as they learn from you. An even greater reason to smile belongs to the family that brushes together.

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