An Overview of Dental Implant Procedure Steps

Are you prepared to get your dental implant? Whether you have been missing a tooth for some time, have just lost a tooth as the result of an accident or infection, or your dentist has advised that you get an implant, there is a strong possibility that you are curious about the steps that are involved in the dental implant surgery. Which event comes first? How much longer is it going to take? How many appointments do we need to schedule? These are just a few of the numerous questions that are asked frequently over the course of the free consultation for dental implants that is offered at our dental office in Hyderabad, India.

We are going to go through the three primary processes that are involved in acquiring a dental implant in this article. Keep in mind that getting a free consultation is always the initial step in the process of getting implants. Prior to making a selection, this is the stage at which you will become familiar with the members of your dental team, as well as learn about your available treatment options, discuss costs and available payment plans, and so on. If you haven’t completed this step yet, you should put this book down and go schedule a free consultation. After that, you should finish the article when you return.

What to Expect From Each Step of the Dental Implant Procedure?

Let’s assume that you have already scheduled or finished your consultation so that we can get started with the steps of the dental implant treatment.

Step 1: Implant Placement

After having the tooth extracted, you are now in the position to have it replaced. The implantation of the device is the initial step in the process.

The implant will either be placed in the lower jaw or the upper jaw using surgical means by the dentist. Because the implant needs to act like the root of your most recent tooth, you will need to have some drilling done in order to make it fit snugly into the jawbone.

When it comes to actually place the implant, this is where the true competence of the oral surgeon or dental implant specialist comes into play. It is the responsibility of the dentist to ensure that the implant is placed without causing any damage to the numerous nerves that are found in the mouth. Achieving this goal takes not only extensive experience but also an in-depth understanding of the oral cavity, as well as the support of modern technology (especially 3D imaging!).

After the implant has been positioned, a “healing cap” is positioned over it to provide protection for step 2 of the procedure.

It is essential to keep in mind that bone grafting may be necessary either before or simultaneously with the placement of the implant. Your oral surgeon will discuss the necessity of this procedure with you in advance if it is necessary.

Step 2: Healing and Osseointegration

After the implant has been successfully inserted, it is time to begin the healing process. During the steps of the dental implant treatment, this is a very important consideration. It is necessary to allow sufficient time for the bone in your jaw to develop around the implant. This process takes some time, but it is what makes a dental implant so sturdy, and it is for this reason that implants are strongly suggested as the best option for replacing teeth over the long run.

The process by which the implant “fuses” to the jaw bone is referred to as osseointegration. In the same way that it does with your natural teeth, the bone will develop around the implant to help strengthen it once it is fixed in place.

This procedure could take a few months to complete. However, there is no need for concern because you will be provided with a “healing cap” to protect the implant while it is healing and a temporary crown to ensure that it does not appear as though you are missing a tooth during the process. After it has been cured, it is ready to proceed to the third phase.

Step 3: Tooth Replacement

You have finally arrived at the stage for which you have been preparing! Your replacement tooth will appear, feel, and function exactly like your natural teeth thanks to the crown that your dentist will craft specifically for you. In cases where more than one tooth needs to be replaced, an alternative solution such as a bridge or denture may be more appropriate than a crown.

The fact that you will leave the dentist’s office with your new tooth is the aspect of this stage that is most significant. Nobody will be able to tell that you ever had a tooth pulled or extracted because the replacement teeth will blend in perfectly. The process and the procedure have both been finished. Congratulations!

These are the three stages of the procedure that hold the most significance. Do you have questions regarding dental implants in India, or are you ready to schedule your free consultation? Make sure to get in touch with us today!

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If you are having dental problems or want to know more about dental implants and how they can make your smile more beautiful and stable, please get in touch with us as soon as possible. Call the staff at the Dr. Motiwala Dental Clinic & Implant Center at +91 99596 14584 to make an appointment for a consultation and learn more about the treatment. You can also get in touch with us by going to our website, clicking on the banner below, and filling out the form on the Contact Us page.