Are You at High Risk for Tooth Decay?

Dental caries can be caused by several things (tooth decay). Asking yourself these questions can help you determine if you are at high risk.

Is there plaque in my mouth?

A white layer of germs known as dental plaque builds up on your teeth. It must be present in large quantities if it is readily visible. The germs that cause tooth decay are present in plaque, especially in an acidic environment. (A typical mouth’s pH value is neutral, falling in the middle of the pH scale’s extremely acidic and basic ends.)

What about a dry mouth?

Reduced saliva increases the risk of dental caries because saliva protects teeth from decay by neutralizing an acidic environment and re-mineralizing the outer surface of the enamel. As a side effect, several drugs might make you feel dry-mouthed.

Do I consume a lot of snacks, especially bad ones?

Consuming sweets, refined carbs, and acidic meals frequently encourage the development of microorganisms that cause decay. Your teeth are immersed in sweets and acids for a longer period of time the more often you consume. In addition to encouraging bacterial development, acidic foods can directly contribute to tooth erosion by causing the minerals in the enamel to soften and dissolve.

Do I use bite guards, night guards, retainers, or orthodontic appliances?

Although these devices are advised for a variety of diseases, they have a tendency to limit saliva’s ability to help your teeth as described above.

Do my teeth have large cracks and pits?

Your genetic makeup determines the form of your teeth. You are more susceptible to bacterial development and subsequent decay if your teeth have deep grooves (fissures) and pits in them from when they first grew in.

Do I possess any disorders that might subject my teeth to acids?

Your teeth may be often exposed to stomach acids if you have bulimia (a psychiatric disorder in which sufferers intentionally produce vomiting) or GERD (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease), which can seriously erode your teeth.

Do I already have teeth problems?

Cavities that are visible can range from those that a dentist can see with their unaided eye to those that are only apparent with laser technology or an x-ray examination. You are at a considerable risk of getting more tiny cavities if you already have them.

Do my teeth have any white spots on them?

White patches on a tooth’s enamel are sometimes the first indication of deterioration. At this stage, fluorides can frequently reverse the disease.

Do I currently have any cavities from the past three years?

Unless your oral health has drastically altered, recent cavities indicate a high chance of future cavities.

If you experience any of these high-risk symptoms, get in touch with us right once and ask for advice on how to improve the circumstances in your mouth. Read “Tooth Decay,” an article from Dear Doctor magazine, to discover more.

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