
All About Mouth Sores and Ulcers

Do you get sores or ulcers in your mouth? When you go to the dentist, do you always get a fever blister? Canker sores and fever blisters affect a lot of people in the United States. What’s a canker sore? A canker sore and an aphthous ulcer are the same thing. These painful sores happen inside the mouth, usually on the tissue that lines the inside of the cheeks and lips, on the tongue, or even at the back of the throat. Aphthous ulcers hurt a lot and can be put into three different groups. Minor Aphthous Ulcers This is ... Read more

Is It Too Late to Straighten My Teeth?

Even though it’s never too late to get your teeth straightened, there are many reasons to do it as soon as possible. It’s never too late, well, almost never! So, technically, there are times when it is “too late” to get your teeth straightened. But even if one of these things is true for you, there are other ways to get a beautiful smile. Just give us a call to set up a meeting and talk about your options. Situations Not Ideal for Teeth Straightening: Severe gum disease and loose teeth Large cavities on several teeth all over the mouth Multiple missing ... Read more

Treatment of Infected Gums

About 30% of adults in the United States have gum disease. If you don’t treat it, you could lose your teeth. There are a lot of ways to treat gum disease, and using a laser is one of the most advanced and effective ones.  What causes Gum Disease? Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is an infection between the teeth and gums caused by bacteria. The bacteria in dental plaque make toxins, and when the plaque isn’t cleaned off the teeth, these toxins cause inflammation in the body. In its most severe form, inflammation makes the gums red, swollen, sore, ... Read more

What are Your Tooth Replacement Options?

A lot of people are missing at least one tooth. Even missing one tooth can make it hard to chew, and obviously, missing a front tooth makes your smile look bad. At Dr. Motiwala Dental Clinic and Implant Centre, we are experts at replacing teeth, and we have many options to meet a wide range of needs. Even though there are many different ways to replace a tooth, we can put them into a few groups. 1. Removable Tooth Replacement Options 2. Fixed (or non-removable) Tooth Replacement Options i. Supported by Neighboring Teeth ii. Supported by Dental Implants Each choice ... Read more

Invisalign Tips

During a time when so many things are being forced to stop, one thing does not have to: your Invisalign treatment! With your aligners, you can keep moving forward in the process of straightening your teeth even if you have been told to avoid socializing and stay at home. In fact, you might be able to do it more effectively! If you are getting Invisalign right now, you can look at this strange time as a chance to make a lot of progress in your orthodontic movements. Just think: You can’t go out to dinner with friends, so you don’t ... Read more

How to Fix a Chipped Tooth

During our days of sheltering in place, chipped teeth were one of the most common urgent dental problems we saw. People who needed urgent dental care were lucky that Dr. Motiwala was able to help them right away. Because chipped teeth can be very bad or very mild, there are many different ways to fix them. Chipped Teeth Requiring Little to No Treatment Some cases of chipped teeth don’t need nearly any treatment. You can choose not to fix a chipped tooth if it is small, does not expose the sensitive dentin under the enamel, and does not have any ... Read more

Why is My Tooth Loose?

If you are not between the ages of 6 and 13, having a loose tooth is a big deal. No matter what’s wrong, the first thing you should do is make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. In this article, we’ll talk about the different things that can cause loose teeth, the treatment that’s needed, and the long-term effects. Loose permanent teeth can be caused by two different things. Some are caused by injuries, and others are caused by the damage that dental disease does. Injuries that Loosen a Tooth or Teeth When someone gets hurt in ... Read more

Causes of Crooked Teeth

People often wonder why their teeth are crooked or crowded. There may be more than one cause of these orthodontic problems. We’ll talk about some of the reasons why people have crooked teeth in this article. Small Jaws When we say someone has “small jaws,” we are talking about how long and wide their dental arch is. The U-shaped part of the jawbone that holds and supports the teeth is called the dental arch. A small dental arch could be caused by your genes (does everyone in your family have small jaws and crooked teeth? ), a growth problem, or ... Read more

What are the Causes of Bad Breath?

Everyone wants fresh breath, that goes without saying. Bad breath is a problem that can make it hard to get along with family, friends, and coworkers. You can make sure you have fresh breath today and every day by following these steps. Why Do We Have Bad Breath? The bacteria in your mouth are the main cause of bad breath. If there are a lot of bacteria in a place, it is likely to smell bad. Over 90% of bad breath comes from inside the mouth, while the other 10% comes from the nose, lungs, or digestive tract. Many of ... Read more

How to Have a Successful Dental Implant?

When you get a dental implant or implants to replace missing teeth, you’re making an investment in your appearance, your ability to chew and speak, and your overall quality of life. If you take good care of your dental implants, they are very likely to work. This article will talk about some of the most important things to keep in mind if you want your dental implants to last for a long time. We have put these important things into three stages: surgery, recovery, and long-term care. Choosing the Right Dentist Choosing the right implant dentist is the first step ... Read more