Category: Oral Health

Oral health is very essential for maintaining healthy teeth, gums. Oral health issues, such as canker or cold sores, bad breath, dry mouth, tooth decay, or thrush are all treatable with proper diagnosis and care by Dr. Motiwala Dental Clinic.

TMJ Disorder Can Cause Toothache

TMJ disorder can be a serious problem, so you shouldn’t just brush it off. People of all ages, even those with good oral health, can get this disorder. Pain in the jaw that can spread to other parts of the face is a sign of TMJ. If you don’t take care of these signs, you might get headaches. In the long run, this condition can change how you live and what you do every day. TMJ is something you should learn more about. A Brief Look at TMJ Disorder The temporomandibular joint is a very important joint that links the ... Read more

When to Get the Wisdom Tooth Removed?

The process of taking out a tooth isn’t usually that complicated unless it’s a wisdom tooth. Even though normal and even surgical tooth extractions are common, having your wisdom teeth taken out can be a much more complicated process for both you and your dentist, depending on why they need to be taken out. It’s not always easy to tell if your wisdom teeth need to come out, so it’s best to see your dentist regularly in case any problems come up. In this post, we’ll talk about when to get a wisdom tooth pulled, how it’s different from other ... Read more

How To Prevent Stains on Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin, fake caps that go over your real teeth. They can cover up stained or chipped teeth or spots that aren’t the right color. Dentists sometimes use them to change the look of smiles that are crooked, crowded, or too big. Many people choose veneers because they look good and last for a long time without having to go through painful procedures. Before the tooth coverings can be put in place, a very thin layer of tooth enamel needs to be removed. Even though the procedure can’t be undone, the results won’t last forever. The veneers will ... Read more

Sparkling Water: A Surprising Cause of Cavities

Most people know that sugary foods and drinks can lead to tooth decay. Everyone knows that soda and candy are not good for your teeth. A lot of people don’t know that sparkling water can also hurt your teeth. In recent years, sparkling water has become more popular, so people often ask us if it’s bad for their teeth to drink carbonated water. Even though most sparkling water is just carbonated water (and maybe a few minerals) with natural flavors, most people don’t expect it to be as acidic as soda, which usually has phosphoric acid. Due to the way ... Read more

Stay Hydrated & Protect Your Teeth

As the heat of summer gets stronger, it’s more important than ever to stay hydrated. When we spend time outside in these high temperatures and high humidity, we are more likely to sweat. We are also tempted by long, lazy days by the pool in the summer. If you drink a lot of alcohol during these days, you are much more likely to get dehydrated. What Types of Drinks Dehydrate You? There are many drinks that actually make you lose water. If you want to keep your body safe during the hot summer months, you should avoid these types of ... Read more

Your Teeth are Not Tools

Teeth are very important because they help us chew food, speak, support our lips and cheeks, etc. They can do a lot of things. Not one of them is a tool. Hairdressers often hold bobby pins with their teeth. Fishermen cut fishing lines with their teeth. Moms tear open packages of fruit snacks with their teeth so their crying toddlers can eat them. Some wine lovers use their teeth to get the cork out of a bottle of wine, which is our personal favorite. Most people think their teeth are strong enough to do these things (not true). Some people ... Read more

What’s In Your Toothpaste?

We’ve never had access to so many kinds of things to clean our teeth as we do now. There are a lot of different brands in our stores, and each one says it is better than the others in some way. There are different things to buy at different stores. When you add in the different brands and types of toothpaste that you can buy online, the choices are almost endless. When choosing a toothpaste, it helps to know what each active ingredient does and where your specific risk areas are. This blog will explain some of the different ingredients ... Read more

Is Your Child Breathing Well at Night?

Why would a dentist ask that of you? If your child has trouble breathing, the dentist might be the first person to notice. Even though medicine and dentistry are very different in ways like education and insurance, they are still very connected. Your mouth is a key part of your body. When something goes wrong in the mouth, it affects the rest of the body, and vice versa. There is a strong link between the mouth (teeth and jaws) and the airway that is worth pointing out. Many people know that sleep apnea is linked to the mouth, but most ... Read more

All About Mouth Sores and Ulcers

Do you get sores or ulcers in your mouth? When you go to the dentist, do you always get a fever blister? Canker sores and fever blisters affect a lot of people in the United States. What’s a canker sore? A canker sore and an aphthous ulcer are the same thing. These painful sores happen inside the mouth, usually on the tissue that lines the inside of the cheeks and lips, on the tongue, or even at the back of the throat. Aphthous ulcers hurt a lot and can be put into three different groups. Minor Aphthous Ulcers This is ... Read more

Is It Too Late to Straighten My Teeth?

Even though it’s never too late to get your teeth straightened, there are many reasons to do it as soon as possible. It’s never too late, well, almost never! So, technically, there are times when it is “too late” to get your teeth straightened. But even if one of these things is true for you, there are other ways to get a beautiful smile. Just give us a call to set up a meeting and talk about your options. Situations Not Ideal for Teeth Straightening: Severe gum disease and loose teeth Large cavities on several teeth all over the mouth Multiple missing ... Read more