How Much Does Full Mouth Rehabilitation Cost?

Deborah from Phoenix, USA, saved thousands on the full mouth rehabilitation cost at Dr. Motiwala’s clinic in Hyderabad.

Full mouth rehabilitation is a dental procedure that rebuilds and restores all of a patient’s upper and lower jaw teeth. While it can be done by a general dentist or oral surgeon but sometimes the following professionals are needed. If you opt for Dr. Motiwala in India, you can save up to 80% on the full mouth rehabilitation cost.

  • A restorative dentist who operates on the patient to perform dental procedures like veneers, bridges, and crowns.
  • A periodontist who can treat gum-related diseases like gingivitis.
  • An orthodontist who has a specialization in the functioning of tooth positions and movements.
  • Endodontists who can treat the tooth pulp.

Patients go for full mouth rehabilitation because of the following reasons.

  • Loss of teeth caused by trauma or tooth decay.
  • Teeth damage caused by a fracture or injury.
  • Worn out teeth because of tooth grinding and acid erosion.
  • Difficulty in biting because of headache, muscle, and jaw pain.

Factors that Determine Full Mouth Rehabilitation Cost

Generally, a dental surgeon examines the following areas before recommending a full mouth reconstruction.


Unhealthy gums may make it mandatory for your dental surgeon to recommend root planning or scaling for the treatment of gum tissues.


A dental surgeon is going to ensure that your bite is stable .i.e. chewing food or closing mouth does not cause pain or damage your teeth.


The dentist performs a thorough examination of the size, shape, proportion, and color of your teeth and their link with your face, side profile, mouth, lips, and gums.

Lastly, keep in mind that often, the full mouth rehabilitation cost is not covered by the insurance.

Full Mouth Dental Implants Cost

Full-mouth dental implants cost varies from $10,000 to $92,000, depending upon the reputation of the dental services, patient requirements, and the quality of material used in the procedures. On average, you can expect to foot a $35,000 bill. Additionally, you also have to factor in another $4,000 to $31,000 for the installation of plates on your dentures.

As opposed to conventional dentures, full mouth dental implants are a lot more reliable and durable; they do not need adhesives to stick in your mouth. While this treatment can potentially change the lives of many of those who are without most of their teeth, at the same time a dental surgeon may have to displace other teeth as well so all the crucial implants are fixed properly. Eventually, doing such also is going to swell up the over full mouth rehabilitation cost with an enormous increase.

Consultation Free $120 $120
CT Scan $100 $350 $250
Blood Test / Surgery Checkup $30 $150 $120
IV Sedation $100 $400 $300
6 Single Piece Implants* $2,400 $24,600 $22,200
6 Root Canals* $600 $3,600 $3,000
6 Extractions* $250 $1,110 $860
NexxZr Zirconia Crowns / Bridge
Zirconia Crowns / Bridge.
$7,330 $36,000 $28,670
Airfare to Hyderabad, India $1,000 -- -$1,000
4 Star Hotel Stay - 11 Nights $660 -- -$660
Food & Travel Expenses $1,100 -- -$1,100
TOTAL $13,570 $66,330 $58,280
Affordable Full Mouth Rehabilitation

So, what can you do to get affordable dental implants without compromising on the quality of dental treatment and services? At first, pack up your bag and go to India for a short trip. Make sure that you land in Hyderabad so you can visit one of the most reputable dental clinics in the country: Dr. Motiwala Dental Clinic & Implant Center, here you can save over USD $50,000 on the overall full mouth rehabilitation cost. Dr. Motiwala has carved out a great reputation for treating several patients from the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, and other countries

You Can Get More Details on The Following Links

You may learn more about the actual cost of treatment and other information by visiting the links below.

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To find the full mouth rehabilitation cost and other details, please call us at +91 99596 14584. If you prefer, you can also utilize the inquiry form on our website’s Contact Us page by clicking the banner below.