Sedation Dentistry Can Help With Your Dental Fears

Does the prospect of visiting a dentist unsettle you? Would you rather keep up with the pain of a toothache than letting a dentist operate on you? If the answer is yes, then you are not the first one with dentophobia. The thought of receiving dental treatment frightens many people. As a result, such people do not only endure extreme agony, but they also end up worsening their situations when permanent damage is done to their teeth.

To address the woes of such patients, sedation dentistry has emerged as a lifesaver. It can help in minimizing their anxiety. Sedation can be introduced for all types of dental procedures.

In sedation dentistry, a dentist provides medications to ensure that patients can “relax” during their treatment. Sedation dentistry is also known as sleep dentistry, although in the former, patients are normally awake. The extent to which a patient is sedated is described below.

  • Minimal – The patient is relaxed and awake.
  • Moderate – The patient can speak some words, although they cannot remember their treatment.
  • Deep – In such dentistry, the patient is positioned on the edge of consciousness; however, it is still possible to wake them up.
  • General – When general anesthesia is used, the patient becomes entirely unconscious.
Who Can Benefit from Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is suitable for those patients who have anxiety or a real fear that discourages them from visiting a dentist. Similarly, sedation dentistry is also well-suited for those who fit the following requirements.

  • Suffer from a poor gag reflex.
  • Require extensive dental treatment.
  • Feel nervous due to a pair of sensitive teeth.
  • Do not have a high pain threshold.

At times, children are recommended to undergo sedation dentistry if they are frightened of a dental visit and don’t easily cooperate during the treatment. Since nitrous oxide is not harmful for children, therefore dentists use it for sedation dentistry with children.

Should You Go for Dental Treatment Overseas?

If dental bills tend to be too costly in your country, you can benefit from dental treatment overseas. As such, you can consider getting dental treatment in India. Dental treatment in India is becoming more and more popular because it is affordable. Moreover, people are especially going for dental treatment in Hyderabad. This is because Hyderabad is the home to Dr. Irfan Motiwala’s clinic: Dr. Motiwala Dental Clinic & Implant Center.