Sinus Lift Surgery in India & It’s Alternatives, 100% Safe

Sinus Lift Surgery in India is Affordable, But Can Be Avoided

Deborah from Phoenix, USA, came looking for a sinus lift surgery in India, but she completely avoided a sinus lift and got full mouth dental implants at Dr. Motiwala’s clinic.

Many people experience adult tooth loss at some time in their life. You should know that you are not alone in your suffering if this has occurred to you.

While losing a tooth can be unpleasant and have a bad impact on one’s self-esteem, most lost teeth can be rapidly recovered utilizing a number of dental treatments, which is why many go for sinus lift surgery in India. A dental implant is the most popular of these surgeries. On the other hand, a basic dental implant will not be able to replace all of your missing teeth.

There are choices available when a patient loses an upper tooth and there isn’t enough bone in the upper jaw to support a normal dental implant. A specialized dental operation known as a sinus lift is commonly done in instances like these.

A sinus lift is a dental procedure that adds more bone to the upper jaw to provide enough support for a dental implant. There are a few issues to be aware of when it comes to sinus lifts. The additional bone is generally placed between the upper jawbone and the maxillary sinuses in the region of the jaw where the premolars or molars are positioned. The sinus membrane of the maxillary sinuses must be raised sufficiently in order for the additional bone to be implanted during this procedure. This is where the name “Sinus Lift” comes from.

Many patients are searching for a low-cost sinus lift surgery in India, but Dr. Motiwala recommends they avoid it entirely due to the multiple issues it might create. Every medical procedure is certain to have some drawbacks. If you’ve been told you need a sinus lift to replace a lost tooth, we can help, at Dr. Motiwala Dental Clinic & Implant Center, dental implants can be placed without the need for a sinus lift.

Sinus Lift Surgery in India or Any Country Comes with Many Complications

If you have just undergone a sinus lift surgery in India or any other country, and are suffering any of the symptoms listed below, please contact your dentist right away. The signs and symptoms are as follows:

  • After the sinus lift surgery, you may have discomfort, sensitivity, bleeding, and/or edema for up to two days.
  • When you blow your nose or sneeze, you may notice a bone or bone-like substance slipping out of your sinuses.
  • Fever or other symptoms of sickness.
  • Continual bleeding of bright crimson blood from the operation location.

These symptoms indicate that you should stop searching for a cheap sinus lift surgery in India and instead consult Dr. Motiwala right away to learn how you get dental implants with a sinus lift. The following are the most common complications:

A Sinus Infection: A sinus infection is one of the most common side effects of a sinus lift. It happens when there isn’t enough post-surgery care or when the treatment environment isn’t clean enough.

A Puncture in the Sinus: Another of the most common sinus lift complications is a puncture in the sinus. It’s usually repaired during surgery, but if it can’t be fixed immediately away, the dentist will have to postpone the procedure.

Dental Implant Failure: When the dental implant that is meant to be attached to the sinus lift fails to connect correctly with the newly inserted bone, this is called a failure of the dental implant.

Excessive Drainage: When bright red blood or pus drains often from the afflicted location, this is called excessive drainage. Antibiotic treatments and other irrigation procedures are usually effective in dealing with this problem.

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Disadvantages of Sinus Lift

Patients seeking upper jaw or whole mouth dental implants must undergo sinus lift treatments, which delays and complicates the patient’s hunt for immediate fixed teeth and an affordable sinus lift surgery in India. Sinus lift treatments are being phased out in favor of pterygoid and basal implants for a variety of reasons. Immediate loading is possible with pterygoid and basal implants, which means the patient can get crowns three days following implant placement. The following are some of the downsides of sinus lift surgery in India or any other country:

Time Factor: Patients who want dental implants in their upper jaw must wait 6 to 12 months for the bone transplant to integrate into the bone. After the sinus lift dental implant has been implanted, crowns are placed. A bone transplant is performed when the bone height is less than 3 mm, and the implant is put 6 months later. After another 6 months, the crown is inserted. As a result, one year following the sinus lift, the patient receives a crown.

Cost of Sinus Lift: Sinus lift surgery in India may not be costly, it not only delays treatment but also increases the overall cost of dental implants surgery with sinus lift surgery in India. We haven’t done a sinus lift in years at Dr. Motiwala Dental Clinic & Implant Centre; instead, we use a faster approach in which the patient obtains Permanent Teeth in 3 DaysTM at a low cost, owing to the utilization of pterygoid and basal implants.

Sinus Lift Requires Surgeries:

  • Surgically, a bone is extracted from the hip or another appropriate location.
  • The bone transplant must be inserted by surgery.
  • Another surgery is required for the implants.
  • Another surgery is required to expose the implant.

Bone Graft Failure:

  • Sinus Membrane Tear: A perforated or torn sinus membrane is one of the most dangerous side effects of an inexpensive sinus lift. The surgeon will suture or apply a patch to the membrane if it tears during surgery. If the repair fails, your surgeon may decide not to treat the rupture and instead allow it to heal on its own. After the membrane has healed, the sinus lift is performed. In most circumstances, it takes a few months for this to happen.
  • If the bone transplant becomes contaminated, it is probable that it may fail.
  • The existing bone may not integrate with the bone graft material, and the grafted region may not generate a blood supply in rare cases. Any implants placed on this site would fail if this happened because there would be no active bone for them to adhere to.

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Contact Us Now!

If you want to improve your smile but aren’t sure if you need a sinus lift or a bone graft, please call us at +91 99596 14584 to learn how you get dental implants without a bone graft or a sinus lift surgery in India. You may also visit our Contact Us page and fill in your details in the inquiry form, We are one of the leading dental clinics in Hyderabad, India, and we would be happy to restore any missing teeth.!