Soda Drinks: An Acid Bath For Your Teeth

These days, it seems like everyone is drinking energy drinks, but what effects do they have on your teeth?

The idea that you can get quick energy from a can might sound enticing, but there is a price to pay for it. Energy drinks, much like other beverages that are high in sugar content, include a significant amount of caffeine and a quantity of sugar that is difficult for the pancreas to process. In addition, energy drinks, much like their more conventional counterparts, contain a lot of acid.

Brief Instruction in Chemistry

A cursory review of the material covered in your science class is required in order to comprehend the relevance of this beverage that contains a significant amount of acid. The quantity of hydrogen ions that are present in a substance determines whether or not it is acidic, neutral, or alkaline. The “pH” scale, which measures the “potential for hydrogen” of an object, has 14 points. The majority of municipal tap water has a pH of 7.0, which is considered neutral, however the pH of human blood is 7.33, which is considered somewhat alkaline. The acidity of many prepared beverages tends to be on the higher end of the spectrum:

  • Coffee 4.0
  • Orange Juice 3.8
  • Black Tea 3.0
  • Wine 3.4
  • Cola drinks 2.37
  • Lemon juice 2.0

Even more acidic than battery acid, stomach acid has a pH of 1.0 and is on par with the acid found in vehicle batteries. The pH of the majority of energy drinks is comparable to that of traditional cola beverages.

Why Is pH Important?

To put it another way, beverages with a low pH can cause the enamel on your teeth to become less mineralized. Even though tooth enamel is the strongest material in our bodies, it cannot withstand being submerged in a highly acidic sugar water bath on a regular basis without being eroded.
Not only is it possible for you to lose the enamel covering that protects the surface of your teeth, but the sugar that is used to sweeten the majority of energy drinks offers the ideal conditions for tooth decay.

However, the pH Narrative Goes On

After energy drinks, colas, and other acidic beverages have passed our taste buds and entered our digestive tract, there is still the problem of how they will affect us. People who consume a lot of soda have a greater risk of having reduced bone density. It is possible that calcium and phosphorous will be leached from our bones in order to neutralise the acid.

Energy Drinks that Are Better for Your Health

To be fair, enamel loss and tooth decay are not caused by a particular type of food or beverage. There are a number of factors that might determine how susceptible you are to tooth erosion and cavities. Among these are your nutrition, the way you live your life, the way you take care of your teeth, and even your genetic predisposition. There are a variety of natural techniques to give yourself an energy boost.

  • Get regular exercise
  • Try to get to bed a little bit sooner
  • Drink more water
  • Consume foods high in nutrients
  • Maintain an optimistic attitude

What happens if you feel the need to consume one of those energy drinks in one sitting? Dilute it. Take a few sips of water and swirl it around in your mouth for a moment before continuing. You will lessen the severity of the acid burn and shorten the amount of time it takes for your mouth to return to a more neutral pH.

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