What’s Causing Your Morning Jaw Pain?

You might not know what is wrong if you have been experiencing an unexplained jaw ache in the morning. Do you need to worry? What should you do to obtain the help you require? Read more about it at Dr. Motiwala’s blog!

You may be grinding your teeth if your jaw hurts in the morning. The most frequent reason for jaw discomfort is teeth grinding, or bruxism. The most likely cause of your jaw discomfort is overnight teeth grinding if you observe that it only aches when you wake up in the morning and gets less severe throughout the day.

Your jaw muscles may get very stressed if you grind your teeth. This is due to the fact that it is a “parafunctional” activity, which uses your teeth for a purpose other than what they were designed for. Only when we bite or chew are our teeth supposed to come into touch. Our jaws are typically open and not clamped together while we are at rest. Therefore, if you grind your teeth at night, it might cause a lot of stress on your jaw joints and facial muscles, which could cause jaw discomfort.

Teeth Grinding Caused by Stress Is Common – Consider These Treatment Options

According to estimates, between 8 and 31% of people experience tooth grinding at some time in their life. Stress and worry are the most frequent causes of nighttime teeth grinding. When you are under stress, your body may react by clenching or grinding your teeth. Even while it might happen unintentionally throughout the day, it seems to happen more frequently at night.

To lessen stress-related grinding, you can alter a few aspects of your lifestyle. Several typical recommendations include:

  • Avoiding caffeine-containing beverages in the afternoon.
  • Attempting to unwind and sleep prior to bedtime by engaging in activities like having a warm bath or shower or reading a book.
  • Keeping your room at the right temperature, limiting light in your room, and avoiding screen time for an hour before bed is all examples of excellent “sleep hygiene.”

Purchase a night guard to protect your teeth

You could stop grinding your teeth by following the tips above. However, if you grind your teeth frequently or if the suggestions we made don’t relieve your pain or discomfort, you may require a night guard. A plastic night guard is often designed to solely protect your top teeth. The interior layer of the night guard is constructed from a softer, more pleasant plastic material as opposed to the outer layers, which are composed of hard, durable plastic. Your night guard will snugly fit over your teeth when it is worn, preventing direct tooth-to-tooth contact. Consequently, you’ll grind less and your teeth won’t get damaged.

Consult Dr. Motiwala for assistance with jaw pain

It’s crucial to get treatment if you are experiencing jaw pain and think you could be grinding your teeth. Long-term, intense grinding can lead to TMJ (temporomandibular joint dysfunction) and early tooth deterioration.

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