Category: Oral Health

Oral health is very essential for maintaining healthy teeth, gums. Oral health issues, such as canker or cold sores, bad breath, dry mouth, tooth decay, or thrush are all treatable with proper diagnosis and care by Dr. Motiwala Dental Clinic.

How Long Do Dental Fillings Last?

Did you know that about 90% of people over 20 have had at least one cavity in their teeth? Most of the time, cavities need to be filled so that the more sensitive tissues inside the teeth are protected. If you’re one of the 90% of people who have ever had a cavity, this may sound familiar. But how long do fillings last, and should you be worried if you’ve had them for a long time? Can you do something to make your fillings last longer? Some fillings seem to taste better than others. If you’re wondering about these things, ... Read more

10 Foods That Whiten Your Teeth

Did you know that you can add to your diet foods that are good for your health and make your teeth whiter? The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) says that there are several foods that naturally whiten teeth and protect gums from bacteria. Even though you still need to see the best dentist in Hyderabad for regular checkups, dental emergencies, and other procedures, there are some foods you can eat to make your teeth whiter and gums and teeth stronger. Strawberries Do not be fooled by the color of strawberries. Even though these fruits are dark, they have an ... Read more

Dental Implants: Top Mistakes to Avoid

Dental implants are a safe and effective way to replace missing or broken teeth. They work 97% of the time. As implant specialists, we love it when our patients are well-informed, because that’s the best way to make sure you have long-term success. Here are three things you shouldn’t do when getting dental implants. Never Rely on a Surgeon with Little Experience Many of the health problems that cause 3% of dental implants to fail, such as diabetes that isn’t under control or too much smoking, are the cause of these problems. This is why it’s important to choose a ... Read more

Can Your Teeth Predict Heart Disease & Diabetes

We recommend going to the dentist regularly to avoid tooth decay and gum disease, but you may have read online that your teeth can tell if you have heart disease or diabetes before you go to the doctor. Is it true? Let’s dig in a little deeper. Can You Avoid Heart Disease by Taking Care of Your Teeth? You’re looking through your Facebook feed when you see an article that a friend has shared: Bad Brushing Habits Cause Heart Disease. Like most headlines on the internet, this one is both true and exaggerated to get you to click and read ... Read more

Important Considerations for a Smile Makeover

Many people want to change something about how they look, like losing weight, getting more muscles, or changing the way their face or hair looks. Some people don’t like their smiles and want to make their teeth and gums look better. This can be done with a full smile makeover. Most of the time, a smile makeover includes at least one cosmetic dental procedure, like teeth whitening or veneers. If you want to change your smile, here are some things to think about before you begin. Your Budget The first thing to think about is how much you can spend ... Read more

What is the Dental Implant Success Rate?

When it comes to implant failure, the odds are in the favor of every patient. Dental implants are the best way to replace teeth because they usually work 98% of the time or better. But, as with any treatment, there are some risks. Knowing about these risks is the best way to stop an implant procedure from going wrong. How do Dental Implants Work? Dental implants are a long-term way to replace missing teeth. They are best for people who want to keep their natural smile. Dental implants are posts that are surgically put into the upper or lower jaw. ... Read more

TMJ Disorder Can Cause Toothache

TMJ disorder can be a serious problem, so you shouldn’t just brush it off. People of all ages, even those with good oral health, can get this disorder. Pain in the jaw that can spread to other parts of the face is a sign of TMJ. If you don’t take care of these signs, you might get headaches. In the long run, this condition can change how you live and what you do every day. TMJ is something you should learn more about. A Brief Look at TMJ Disorder The temporomandibular joint is a very important joint that links the ... Read more

When to Get the Wisdom Tooth Removed?

The process of taking out a tooth isn’t usually that complicated unless it’s a wisdom tooth. Even though normal and even surgical tooth extractions are common, having your wisdom teeth taken out can be a much more complicated process for both you and your dentist, depending on why they need to be taken out. It’s not always easy to tell if your wisdom teeth need to come out, so it’s best to see your dentist regularly in case any problems come up. In this post, we’ll talk about when to get a wisdom tooth pulled, how it’s different from other ... Read more

How To Prevent Stains on Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin, fake caps that go over your real teeth. They can cover up stained or chipped teeth or spots that aren’t the right color. Dentists sometimes use them to change the look of smiles that are crooked, crowded, or too big. Many people choose veneers because they look good and last for a long time without having to go through painful procedures. Before the tooth coverings can be put in place, a very thin layer of tooth enamel needs to be removed. Even though the procedure can’t be undone, the results won’t last forever. The veneers will ... Read more

Sparkling Water: A Surprising Cause of Cavities

Most people know that sugary foods and drinks can lead to tooth decay. Everyone knows that soda and candy are not good for your teeth. A lot of people don’t know that sparkling water can also hurt your teeth. In recent years, sparkling water has become more popular, so people often ask us if it’s bad for their teeth to drink carbonated water. Even though most sparkling water is just carbonated water (and maybe a few minerals) with natural flavors, most people don’t expect it to be as acidic as soda, which usually has phosphoric acid. Due to the way ... Read more